How to Use

How to Use

Follow these items to ensure a successful asphalt paving experience 

To use the asphalt drag box follow these steps

  1. Position the drag box on the critical starting point on the prepped base surface area.  If the asphalt area is more than 1 pass wide ie. 20’ wide with a 8’ drag box.  Start the first pass on the critical side with a 4’ wide pass to the interior of the driveway or roadway then continue with two more 8’ passes to equal a total of 20’ wide.  Drag box must stayed on your prepped surface for a smooth finish.
  2. It is recommended but not totally necessary to preheat screed with a propane torch.  Lift the drag box to allow operator to heat screed.
  3. Adjust the depth or crown angle on the drag box to your desired thickness.  Thickness indicators are located on the drag box.
  4. Connect the drag box to either your skid steer or dump truck with the provided chains.
  5. Connect to the upper clevis hooks if using the skid steer to your bucket or machine and lower clevis hooks if hooking up to a dump truck.  When hooked to a dump truck on a stone base have the chains pulling in a upward angle to help prevent the drag box from digging into the stone base.
  6. Once asphalt is flowing screed will stay hot. Begin moving slowly allowing the drag box to evenly spread the asphalt.  Continue moving forward until the desired area is covered.  If additional asphalt needs to be added to the drag box for your length of driveway make sure to never let the drag box run completely out.  When coming to the end of the road only add enough asphalt to complete the pass so it is empty as you are finishing that pass.
  7. Once finished, detach the drag box and perform any necessary finishing touches and/or rake any seams.
  8. Once asphalt is laid even if its just one pass complete, for the best finish possible begin to compact the surface with a smooth drum roller right away.
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